Free Conference Call is an informative site that provides information on various conference call service providers. It was launched by John Grace and Mark Swartz in 2001. The free conference call is considered as one of the best informational sites for people who travel a lot or who work from home. In this regard, it provides useful tips on how to make free conference calls for business and pleasure.

Free Conference Call is an excellent source of information on various phone conferencing services. It provides detailed information about the service providers, which are quite helpful in conducting conference calls. Free Conference Calls features information on the features and benefits of different phone conferencing services, which is useful for the users. The free conference call services also gives the description of various phone service operators, which helps the users to choose the right one for their conferences.

Free Conference Call has various tools to help the participants of a conference, such as checklists, manuals and guides, which are very useful for understanding the conference calls. The manuals and checklists to help the participants prepare notes prior to the meeting and make them more organized while they are on the actual meeting. The participants should be able to enter all the vital information for the meeting online, which will facilitate the moderator to update the minutes of the meeting. 

For example, if the name of a particular participant is misspelled, the minutes of the meeting cannot be properly updated, which is of no use if the person attending the meeting does not know what the name of the person is.

Free Conference Call also features limited time offer. This feature enables new callers to sign up for free conference calls and experience the conference without any charges. Limited time offer lasts only for a fixed number of minutes and can be renewed after the introductory period has expired. Free conference calls allow new callers to ask questions throughout the session as long as they want, without making them part of the agenda of the meeting.

Free conference calls can be controlled by a number of features, such as roll calling and auto-attendant. A roll call feature enables participants to list their name, which the moderator then assigns to each member, in order to speak to them. Auto-attendant allows the participants to automatically dial certain numbers and notify them via e-mails or text messages when there is a change in the schedule of the meeting. The auto-attendant feature also controls whether or not the participant speaks during the meeting.

Free conference calls can be recorded so that attendees can take home videos and audio recordings of the entire discussion. This helps people who could not get a good hold on the discussions, understand the important points that were discussed. In addition, participants can send their feedback via e-mail, so that other colleagues who may have missed out on the original conversation can get a copy of what was said.  
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