Conference CallingFree Conference Call is a service provided by many telephone companies, which enables users to make free phone conferencing calls to each other across the country and the world. Many of these companies also allow members to participate in conference calls even when they are on vacation. The service is very useful to those businesses that have employees who are based in different parts of the country or in different parts of the world. Moreover, individuals who do not own computers can also take advantage of this service and stay in touch with their family and friends even when they are on a vacation.

The free conference call is provided by Vonage, the provider which is part of AT&T. This service works on the AT&T GSM network. In order to use this application, the user must have an iPhone or iPod Touch with the latest version of the operating system. After downloading the free mobile 11.2 app, users can start making free calls to each other using their respective devices.

Free Conference Call has several features that improve its functionality. For example, it offers two-way text-to-speech capability and allows audio conference calls even when the handset is switched off. The Free Conference Call service also offers the facility for conference calls through GoogleTalk. All these features make Free Conference Call much more convenient than using the conventional dial-in numbers. This is the reason why more people prefer to make free phone conferences rather than dialing numbers from phone directories or the internet.  Learn about the free conference call services  now.

Another useful feature of Free Conference Call is the Free Instant Call. The service allows users to make a conference call even when they are on a vacation. Users need only to dial a specific number and then press the send button for getting a call back. The Free Instant Call service lasts for a limited time offer which usually lasts for 24 hours. To avail the service, the user needs to provide a valid email address where he/she can receive the automated message in case of a missed call.

To make Free Conference Call more convenient, the service provider provides an application that can be downloaded from the Google play store. The free conference call application is downloadable as a mobile application and can be used in conjunction with the regular Google Android mobile phones. The Free Conference Call app enables the user to enter the required access code and then make the conference call. The access code is required to activate certain features of the app such as call waiting, speaker identification, and the end call message. Once the call is successfully connected, the user gets a busy signal, and he/she may need to refresh the page to get connected again.

Free Conference Call has a limited time offer which lasts for a limited time frame only. At the end of the limited time offer, all the users will be prompted to sign out and confirm that they really want to avail the service. After this, they will no longer be able to avail the service, and they will be given a special link which they can use to register and sign in again. In order to avail the service, it is important to have access to a smartphone with internet connectivity. The user needs to enter the special access code, and then he/she can join the conference call even without connecting to a smartphone.  To get more details about this topic, see here: